Now Online – Miscellaneous wilk¬
Welcome to the land of b-sides and nosedives, the unreleased and unrefined. This is a collection of stuff that didn’t belong anywhere else, and you can expect it to grow over time. It’s wilk¬’s Miscellaneous.
Welcome to the land of b-sides and nosedives, the unreleased and unrefined. This is a collection of stuff that didn’t belong anywhere else, and you can expect it to grow over time. It’s wilk¬’s Miscellaneous.
Back in the mid-to-late 90s I composed and performed a series of improvisational and experimental albums that combined pre-composed music, samples, noise, and live guitar, vocals, and electronics. These still include some of my favorite tracks I have ever produced due to their honest spontaneity and looseness.
Earlier this year a coworker and myself challenged each other to do something musical each day. Here I’m sharing most of the output from that effort (the rest will come in the form of a new re:lentless album).
Sticking with the live improv performance theme these are some noisy tracks from fifteen(!?!) years ago, featuring bass, electronics, and cello.
Back in the late 90’s I recorded a series of little-to-no-prep improv performances, and never got around to releasing them. Until now. You can find them over at rmp.black0ut.org.
The plan was always to record five of these mini-albums, but I stopped after four. Perhaps now is the right time to revisit that missing piece of the catalog…